*If you would like to see a full size Photoshop file with colors adjusted to look good on normal computer screens, use the link next to selected titles below to download the file. The files are big (55 to 65 megabytes each) and will take a few minutes even on broadband, but when viewed at "actual pixels," you can see every square inch of the poisson's eccentric little world. (The DOWNLOAD button is on the right side of SkyDrive's screen. Use your browser's BACK button to return to my site.)
Poissons de Chant 4
and on and on, ...and then takes strange turns
Poissons de Chant 38 "Taking turns on the Great Neon Mucha Mandala"
35" X 38" Computer Illustration
Poissons de Chant 39 "Downstairs at the Gill Club"
38" X 46" Computer Illustration
Poissons de Chant 40 "I TOLD you a country duet would work! ...Well I DID ya know?!!"
37" X 38" Computer Illustration
Poissons de Chant 41 "Upstairs at the Gill Club"
40" X 36" Computer Illustration
Poissons de Chant 42 "Playback, Gill Club Records"
36" X 46" Computer Illustration
Poissons de Chant 43 "Mother Night, the return of the lanterns" 26" X 46" Computer Illustration
*Full size Photoshop file available Click Here
Poissons de Chant 44 "Setting up the 'BEACON TO HUMANITY' number"
48" X 34" Computer Illustration
Poissons de Chant 45 "Darkness, Darkness"
41" X 34" Computer Illustration
Poissons de Chant 47 "But first, the Escher/Magritte Fire Drill Reunion Dance" 35" X 46" Computer Illustration
*Full size Photoshop file available Click Here
Poissons de Chant 49 "Well, maybe ..., but no one was prepared for this"
45" X 40" Computer Illustration
Poissons de Chant 50 "It always goes on until morning"
34" X 37" Computer Illustration
Go to Poissons de Chant5 The poissons take ........